[Mostra miniature] Video CLASS LIFE Montenapoleone in vendemmia Rassegna Stampa 01-10-15 Vogue 02-10-15 Sole 24 Ore 02-10-15 Wine News 04-10-15 Milano da bere 04-10-15 Milano Today 04-10-15 Stile 06-10-15 Il Sole 24 ORE Luxury24 07-10-15 Il Giornale 08-10-15 Crisalide-Press 08-10-15 Wine-Pambianco 12-10-15 Preziosa Magazine 13-10-15 Appunti di Degustazione 13-10-15 The Taste of Food and Wine 17-09-15 La-Repubblica